Useful Tips To Follow While Using Ice Gel Packs On An Injury
Using ice packs on injury is an effective way to help recover from the injury faster. Ice gel packs in Perth work to reduce blood flow to the injured area, slowing down the process of inflammation. Ice packs help reduce swelling, which is the cause of pain in muscles, tendons or joints. Ice therapy is a great way to create a soothing feeling while alleviating the pain faster.
Here are some useful tips for using ice packs on an injury:
Protect your skin
When you are in pain followed by an injury, it is tempting to apply ice directly to the skin. However, this is not the right thing to do.
Applying ice directly to the skin can cause excessive sensitivity due to cold exposure, giving you unpleasant results down the line.
While using ice packs on the injured area, you ought to protect your skin. Make sure you take the following precautions:
Limit the application to 15 minutes and not more than that
Take a cloth to use it as a protective barrier between your skin and the ice
Stop applying the ice if you feel your skin to become red
Be soon to use cold therapy
Cold therapy is effective in the first few hours following the injury. It is always wise to start cold therapy as soon as you can. If you need a medical professional for immediate care, make sure to go for it before taking cold therapy.
Ice therapy is only effective if combined with other useful measures. To promote faster recovery, you ought to do certain things along with applying ice to the injured area.
Take enough rest to avoid unnecessary stress
Use cold therapy as soon as possible
Use a compression wrap to minimize swelling
Keep the injured area raised
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